Thursday, 3 March 2011

Summary of Ideas

Our film opening is going to fit under the 'Psycho-traumatic Thriller' sub-category. This means it will involve the main character trying to deal with past events, which causes them to commit crime. The film will begin with an engima. Michael will be beating up Ellie, which will completely throw the audinence into confusion. The film will them appear to turn back to normal until Dylan begins to see Michael as Steve.  The film will be a restricted narrative, meaning that we only know as much as the characters.  This will add to the pleasure for the audience, as they should be involved in trying to solve the mystery along with the characters. This is a common convention of thrillers and important for creating suspense.
The initial scene will use fast-cuts and sharp editing to show the panic and fear of the situation. This will also assist in shocking the audience in the first few seconds.  This fast editing will mean that the audience never really get a clear view of what is happening, adding to the confusion. 
When the film changes to a 'normal' atmosphere the film will use continuity editing,  which will show the normality of what's going on, but to contrast this when Dylan see's Steve 'change' into Michael the editing will change to quick and jumpy.  This helps to inform the audience that something 'different' is occuring.

Our main character, Dylan, has seen his mom being abused by his dad when he was younger. His mom eventually left his dad, but Dylan is still affected by what he has seen.  The film will use non linear editing containing flashforwards and backwards.  This also contributes to the confusion and mystery created. 
This will be shown as a flashback. Michael (Dylans Dad) will be beating up Ellie, and you will see that Dylan is watching. This scene will be filmed in Ellie's Kitchen. 
There will be some violence shown in keeping with the thriller conventions, however, the violence will not be extreme or extended, which is appropriate for our target audience.

When Dylan is about 15, his mom has a new boyfriend which Dylan imagines as his dad. This causes problems the first time he meets him. Ellie (Dylans mom) brings Steve (her new boyfriend) home to meet Dylan.

Dylan see's Steve as being his dad and tries to protect Ellie from him by pushing him and trying to make him leave. After Ellie succeeds in getting him to stay, Steve goes into the kitchen and doesn't notice Dylan watching him. After looking in the fridge for the wine, Steve sees him stood facing him with a knife in his hands.

This will be shown as present time, and filmed in Carl's house. We will use close-ups, medium shots and extreme close-ups to see the characters emotions and reactions. We will also use mood lighting when the atmosphere changes, so will the lighting.

The sound in our film will be used to contribute to the suspense.We will create music on garage band to go in the scene where Dylan is burning the photo of him and his mom and dad and the scene where Dylan is following Steve in the kitchen., there will also be music on the title sequence.
We will use garage band because when using music in films you have to be careful because copyright can be an issue if using music from a signed band. If they garage band music doesn't work out we can use music from unsigned bands. This could be found on myspace.

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