Thursday, 3 March 2011

What certificate is my film?

In my initial research from the BBFC website I looked at the 12, 15 and 18 classifcations. This enabled me too see what the difference between the classifications are and where my film fits in.  


Our film doesn't involve much horror, and the parts of horror there is are not stadistic or sexualised.

Imitable Behaviour

Our film does involve a slight bit of dangerous behaviour including a fight of some sorts and a young boy holding a knife. This doesn't dwell on detail that could be copied and the knife, an easily accessible weapon, isn't glamourised.


We only use a slight bit of strong language, which fits into the context so it would be suitable for the 15 boundaries.


Our film involves no nuditiy or sex in our film which will fit into the 15 criteria


The violence in our film isn't  too strong and doesn't dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. There is nothing sadistic or sexual in the film and no gory images. This shows that our film does fit into the 15 criteria

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